default linelog Accounting-Request handling broken?

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Dec 8 23:02:30 CET 2009

Josip Rodin wrote:
> But the proxy state logging is not a priori per-packet, it's based on status
> check events. Only if each packet changes the proxy status (?!), then you'll
> get as many status check logs as there are packets.

  Ah... that's the misunderstanding.

  The messages which should be debug-only, and not log file are
*exactly* those messages which will be logged on every packet.  This

    - configuration typos (e.g. improper expansions)

    - "failed to do X with this packet"

    - anything else "per packet".

  Logging *state changes* is OK.  e.g. "this packet caused the proxy to
decide that the home server is down".  That happens for *one* packet,
when the home server changes state.

  The messages you've asked to make "log file" would result in
per-packet errors, not general state change errors.  That's why I'm
reluctant to make those changes.

  Alan DeKok.

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