Restrict access to certain groups

kevin leblanc kevinzebeste at
Mon Feb 16 13:45:42 CET 2009

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:54 PM, kevin leblanc <kevinzebeste at>wrote:

> To remember : I want only user1 can access to host1.
> To illustrate it:
>                 root
>                  |
>         ------------------
>         |                |
>       hosts         users
>         |                |
>     --------        ----------
>     |                |        |
>   host1       user1  user2
>     |
>     |  members:
>     |
>  user1
> I find a possible way.
> in radiusd.conf, I put:
> groupname_attribute = "cn"
> group_membership_filter =
> (|(&(objectClass=GroupOfNames)(member=%{Ldap-UserDn}))(&(objectClass=GroupOfUniqueNames)(uniquemember=%{Ldap-UserDn})))
> In the users file, I put:
> Ldap-Group == "XXXXX" Auth-Type:= LDAP
> XXXXX will be the IP/hostname of the host which try to connect.
> Is there any variable like %{LDAP-UserDN} which could give me this
> information ??
> thanks for any help
> --
> KeV

I found the variable %{Client-IP-Address} which gives me host's ip.
But is there any way to get the hostname instead of the ip ?
By hostname, I mean the real hostname, not this defined in clients.conf with
the attribute shortname.

Other question, I don't want to store the identity/password attributes in
radiusd.conf for security reasons.
I tried with the line below in the users file, but that doesn't work :
DEFAULT Ldap-UserDN := `uid=%{User-Name},ou=people,dc=company,dc=com`
Any idea ?


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