Pool-Name woes with sqlippool

Simon Earthrowl searthrowl at eseye.com
Wed Feb 18 17:23:37 CET 2009

Hi Ivan,

tnt at kalik.net wrote:
>> Many thanks for your suggestion. However, (using 2.1.3) my
>> sqlippool.conf file is now:
>> sqlippool {
>>        #########################################
>>        ## SQL instance to use (from sql.conf) ##
>>        #########################################
>>        sql-instance-name = "sql"
>>        Pool-Name = %{control:Huntgroup-Name}
> Where did that come from? That should be in the users entry (radcheck or
> radgroupcheck).
I've tried adding to the radcheck table ( INSERT into `radcheck` SET 
`id` = 0, `username` = '447XXXXXXXX', `op` = ':=', `value` = 
'%{control:Huntgroup-Name}`;  )
and then I get
Wed Feb 18 16:14:34 2009 : Info: [sqlippool]    expand: SELECT 
framedipaddress FROM radippool   WHERE pool_name = 
'%{control:Pool-Name}' AND callingstationid = '%{Calling-Station-Id}' 
LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE -> SELECT framedipaddress FROM radippool     WHERE 
pool_name = '=25=7Bcontrol:Huntgroup-Name=7D' AND callingstationid = 
'447775777672' LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE
Wed Feb 18 16:14:34 2009 : Debug: rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT 
framedipaddress FROM radippool  WHERE pool_name = 
'=25=7Bcontrol:Huntgroup-Name=7D' AND callingstationid = '447XXXXXXX' 
Wed Feb 18 16:14:34 2009 : Info: [sqlippool] SQL query did not return 
any results

The same result was obtained when radgroupcheck is used

> Wed Feb 18 14:21:17 2009 : Info: +- entering group post-auth {...}
> Wed Feb 18 14:21:17 2009 : *Info: [sqlippool] No Pool-Name defined.*
> You haven't entered that Pool-Name (name of your huntgroup) in the
> radippool table.
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
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