Problem receiving requests

Fernando fbernal at
Wed Feb 25 12:58:15 CET 2009

Hi all,

I'm trying to comunicate Freeradius with an external entity (A). 
Freeradius sends some information to A, which is processed by A, and A 
requires contact Freeradius to obtain some attributes from a certain user.

| Freeradius |                                                         
|  External ENTITY A |

          Application specific request(TCP socket)

         processing time

                        RADIUS (Access-Request)
(A needs information)

                      RADIUS (Access-Accept)
getting attribute data

          Application specific response (TCP socket)

XX ----> This request fails, not is processed by Freeradius. The message 
arrives to Freeradius' network interface but we can not see any debug 
message informing that the message is processed.

Thank you very much,

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