Conversion to Version 2

Doug Hardie bc979 at
Sat Feb 28 01:44:04 CET 2009

On Feb 27, 2009, at 16:05, <tnt at> wrote:

>> I finally figured out how to compile the module.  Its actually quite
>> simple once you figure out the new structure.  The problem I still
>> have is how to incorporate that into the new conf file.  There used  
>> to
>> be authorize and accounting sections that listed the modules.  I  
>> can't
>> find where that has been placed in the new structure.
>> -
> Read the comments near the end of the radiusd.conf file (where those
> sections used to be).

Thanks.  Those are pretty obtuse comments.  I finally figured out by  
trial and error you have to create those two sections as they are not  
in the file. 

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