[HELP] FreeRadius and External Script

Phibee Network Operation Center noc at phibee.net
Mon Jan 5 13:05:18 CET 2009

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk a écrit :
> Hi,
>> When i start manually the script, we have:
>> ./example.pl: line 26: use: command not found
>> ./example.pl: line 29: syntax error near unexpected token `('
>> ./example.pl: line 29: `use vars qw(%RAD_REQUEST %RAD_REPLY %RAD_CHECK);'
> how are you running this script manually? looks like you're trying
> to run it as a shell script....
> perl ./example.pl

Ok, when i start with this command, no error.
>> What is the good process for create a small script ?
> take the example.pl file and modify it to suit your needs...then
> ensure that it is called (ensure that experimental.conf
> is included in the config and that you call the perl
> module where you want it - eg post-auth, auth or such.
> alan
> -

Ok, now i think's that this script are started but i don't understand 
hit, he have a lot of sub but
sub are not launched.

if i understand, i put all of my perl script into the sub test_call no ?


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