Disconnect packet

Johan Meiring jmeiring at pcservices.co.za
Thu Jan 8 15:50:06 CET 2009


This might be slightly off topic, but hoping I could get a pointer here.
I am trying to use an openvpn talking to radius.

I want the openvpn server to be able to receive a COA/DISCONNECT packet.

The first idea I came up with was to try and get freeradius to receive 
the packet, then using rlm_perl do whatever I want after examining the 

I realize that freeradius is not designed to do this, but I was hoping 
either the atuhentication of accounting module could give the packet to 
my own perl script to then "parse" and act upon.

1) Can anyone think of a way how freeradius might receive the packet for 
me and then pass it to perl for me to act on?


2) Is anyone aware of other software that might listen on the coa port 
1700/3799, receive a packet, parse it somehow and call my script to 
"disconnect" the client.  i.e. a "disconnect server". as per 



Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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