Disconnect packet

Johan Meiring jmeiring at pcservices.co.za
Fri Jan 9 00:24:28 CET 2009

Alan DeKok wrote:
> Johan Meiring wrote:
>> Any idea when?
>   There is no defined time frame.
>>>   What is generating the CoA packets?
>> It will also be freeradius (on a different machine), the actual radius
>> server.
>   In the short term, alternatives are things like shell scripts.
>> Looking at the source, I see that it can at least identify the packets,
>> but then ignores them, because they are not authentication/accounting
>> packets.
>   It doesn't listen on port 3799, either.  That code needs to be added.
>> I dit a minor change, to not ignore the packet and pass it to the
>> accounting module, but then the accounding module crashed.
>   Well... yes.  There are many, many, other changes that need to be made.
>>>> 2) Is anyone aware of other software that might listen on the coa port
>>>> 1700/3799, receive a packet, parse it somehow and call my script to
>>>> "disconnect" the client.  i.e. a "disconnect server". as per
>>>> http://wiki.freeradius.org/DM
>>>   There isn't much.
>> Not much or nothing?
>   None freely available that I know of.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

OK I did the following VERY LARGE hack....

Rember I need something that will JUST receive a DISCONNECT_REQUEST 
packet, run perl, and send back either a DISCONNECT_ACK or _NAK

1) I created a listen section on port 3799 in radiusd.conf for auth.
2) I changed main/listen.c by adding PW_DISCONNECT_REQUEST to the case 
statement to allow the packet.
3) I changed main/event.c  by adding PW_DISCONNECT_REQUEST to the case 
statement to allow the packet.
4) I hacked main/auth.c to return a DISCONNECT_NAK/_ACK instead of an 

Seems to work......



Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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