Just need a little help w/sqlippool

tnt at kalik.net tnt at kalik.net
Tue Jan 13 16:31:15 CET 2009

>my radgroupreply table;
>| id | GroupName | Attribute           | op |
>Value                               | prio |
>|  1 | wisp-1500 | Mikrotik-Rate-Limit | =  | 384k/1500k 600k/4000k
>128k/128k 8/8 |    0 |
>|  2 | wisp-1500 | Port-Limit          | =  |
>1                                   |    0 |
>|  3 | wisp-2500 | Mikrotik-Rate-Limit | =  | 384k/2500k 600k/4000k
>128k/128k 8/8 |    0 |
>|  4 | wisp-2500 | Port-Limit          | =  |
>1                                   |    0 |
>|  9 | wisp-256  | Port-Limit          | =  |
>1                                   |    0 |
>|  8 | wisp-256  | Mikrotik-Rate-Limit | =  |
>64k/256k                            |    0 |
>My usergroup table with a user for example:
>| UserName | GroupName          | priority |
>| kcase    | wisp-1500          |        0 |
>| kcase    | wisp-dynamic-pool2 |        0 |

You are not using sql.conf from 1.1.7? Try adding Fall-Through = yes to
radreply group entries. And give different priorities to groups. Posting
the debug would help.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informarika ISP

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