How to reject when a user logs in without realm?

Ivan Kalik tnt at
Wed Jul 15 16:07:35 CEST 2009

>    I am new to radius . hence kindly excuse if my terminologies
> are different from what is expected.
> I am using Freeradius Version 1.1.7.
> Is it possible to reject when a request comes from the NAS server
> with a user logging in without a realm as suffix?
> For example, if the FreeRadius server receives an authentication
> request for the user navin , it has to reject. but if it receives
> the request as navin at it has to authenticate him.
> I tried the below options:
> I am not using the proxy request support.
> Hence commenting proxy.conf file and setting proxy_requests  = no
> in the radiusd.conf file.
> Added the below in the radiusd.conf file with the intention that
> users of realm has to be authenticated and other users
> should be rejected.
> realm {
>          type            = radius
>          authhost        = LOCAL
>          accthost        = LOCAL
> }

Remove that. Your user file entry will sort out who gets authenticated and
who doesn't.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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