Server Log say user authenticate but modem shows error 691

Nicolas Goutte nicolas.goutte at
Tue Jul 21 14:34:42 CEST 2009

Am 21.07.2009 um 14:28 schrieb amritap sinha:

> Dear All,
>           I have try to implement  freeradius in RHCL 4 with my sql.
> My data base connected to the   radius server properly and my radius
> server authenticate the user properly inside the network and outside
> the network. My problem is that when I try to connect any user through
> dial up connection  my NAS and radius response and password
> authenticate(basically I using CHAP password for authentication) but
> modem shows error 691 in Windows XP O.S.
>                     Please any one help me with  providing a  
> suitable solution.

Ok, I am sure that you will be asked the classical questions, so I can  
ask them:

What is in the log of radiusd -X? What is your configuration?

>                         Thanks & Regards
>                          Amritap Sinha
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Nicolas Goutte

extragroup GmbH - Karlsruhe
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76133 Karlsruhe

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