Problem with external authentication script

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Jun 8 12:59:20 CEST 2009

Stefan Kuegler wrote:
> I want to use MOTP for authentication. MOTP uses a shell-script
> (/usr/local/bin/ to verify the given password. The script
> needs five arguments (User, One-Time-Password, Secret, PIN and Offset).

  Where do those arguments come from?

> My system is a fresh installation of freeradius on a Debian/Lenny system.
> I did the following changes on the following config-files:
> 1. A new dictionary-file (included in /etc/freeradius/dictionary):
>    /etc/freeradius/dictionary.motp
>    -------------------------------
>    ATTRIBUTE       Secret                  960     string
>    ATTRIBUTE       PIN                     961     string
>    ATTRIBUTE       Offset                  962     string

  That defines the attributes.  Now, where do the values get populated?

> 2. A new module in
>    /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf (modules-section):
>    ----------------------------
>    [...]
>    exec motp {
>         wait = yes
>         program = "/usr/local/bin/ %{User-Name}
> %{User-Password} %{Secret} %{PIN} %{Offset}"
>         input_pairs = request
>         output_pairs = config
>    }
>    [...]

  The %{...} syntax replaces the given string with the *value* of the
named attributed.  Where are you setting these values?

> The main-problem is: freeradius didn't call the script with all the
> needed arguments - so the authentication failes:
> [...]
>         expand: /usr/local/bin/ '%{User-Name}'
> '%{User-Password}' '%{Secret}' '%{PIN}' '%{Offset}' ->
> /usr/local/bin/ 'stefan' '123' '' '' ''

  Because you haven't define any values for those attributes.

  Alan DeKok.

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