Logical "or not" operator in users file?

Ivan Kalik tnt at kalik.net
Fri Jun 12 17:43:29 CEST 2009

> I have a check to verify that a user is allowed to use radius at all,
> simply
>  by checking if they are in the "radius" group.
>          DEFAULT Group != "radius", Auth-Type == Reject
>               Reply-Message == " Not in radius group"
> I would like to expand this to check against TWO groups. If user is in
> either one then pass ,
>  if user is in neither  then generate the  Reply-Message == " Not in
> radius group(s)"
>  Its likely a simple tweak, but its escaping me.    Is this where !* would
> serve?

DEFAULT Group == "group1"

DEFAULT Group == "group2"

DEFAULT Auth-Type == Reject
        Reply-Message == " Not in radius group"

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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