rlm_exec wiki

Charles Gregory cgregory at hwcn.org
Mon Jun 15 20:00:30 CEST 2009

On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk wrote:
> I think the initial idea would be to document what/how you've used
> exec module to define an attribute - rlm_exec is quite bare on the wiki 
> ;-)

Uh, yeah, almost forgot, that was actually one of the places I looked 
before I posted on the list. :)

I think before I write anything I will test my script a bit further 
and make sure that it has the complete functionality I expect. I'll be 
doing that this week. I'm gonna get a few shots for this next statement 
(grin), but of course, if I want to write for the wiki, I'm going to have 
to install the latest release, to be sure what I write is valid for the 
most current context. Fortunately I have a test box for stuff like this. :)


- Charles

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