freeradius2 Proxy fail-over issues

Ivan Kalik tnt at
Mon Jun 29 01:36:53 CEST 2009

> I was using ipaddr = domain_name in the home_server definitions.  I
> remembered a problem I had with the freeradius client library wherein if I
> used a domain name, like localhost, instead of a "real" IP address to
> describe the server I needed to connect with, I'd get a failure.
> Using the same proxy.conf file I sent in my first note and changing the
> ipaddr variable to instead of localhost for each home server
> allowed me to successfully connect to the primary radius server.  I won't
> have a secondary server set up until next week, at which time I'll test if
> the fail over to the secondary server work.  As I fully expect it to.
> I assume it is a bug to be required to use and IP address instead of a
> domain name, so can you please point me to where I can file a bug report
> on this?

It's not a bug. Hostname lookups are disabled by default in radiusd.conf.
Along with explanation why enabling it is a bad idea.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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