Conversion to Version 2

Alan DeKok aland at
Sun Mar 1 08:12:09 CET 2009

>>> Thanks.  Those are pretty obtuse comments.  I finally figured out by
>>> trial and error you have to create those two sections as they are not in
>>> the file.
>>  No.
> From raddb/sites-available/README:

  Which I wrote.  I *do* understand how the server works.

  The *default* install does not require you to add "authorize" or
"authenticate" sections to radiusd.conf.  The *default* install includes
a "default" virtual server, with those sections already defined.  The
*intent* as per the "man" page and other documentation, is for that
default server to be used as the basis for your own policies.

  The only time you *have* to add "authorize" and "authenticate"
sections to radiusd.conf is when you've edited the default install to
remove all references to virtual servers.

>>  They were removed from radiusd.conf because (a) they were getting too
>> big, and (b) it enabled example files per virtual server.
> Actually a good idea.  Its just not obvious.  The previously mentioned
> README is very helpful.  I think its in the wrong place.  It should be
> in raddb where its easier to find.  Perhaps there should also be an
> UPDATING file that points to it.  The new structure needs a road map
> because things are quite difficult to find until you really understand
> the structure.

  Feel free to send a first draft of suggested documentation.

> One significant change that took mw quite awhile to figure out was that
> the request arguments are addressed differently.  You have to be careful
> in using the proper pointer for the data type.  However, anything with
> an IPv4 address, e.g. Freamed-IP-Address, is handled quite differently. 
> Version 1 would give you a string ("") whereas Version 2 gives
> you the binary version as 4 bytes.  I haven't checked all the other data
> types for changes like that.  The other ones I use maintained the same
> format.

  Yes.  The internal data structures change.  See libradius.h for
complete definitions.

  Alan DeKok.

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