eap-tls configuration not running...

Josh Hiner josh at remc1.org
Mon Mar 9 13:02:49 CET 2009

The same thing happens to me. I have peapv0 and ttls working but eap-tls 
refuses to work with XP. tnt at kalik.net on the list was very helpful in 
finding that XP was ignoring the challenge because it could not find an 
acceptable client cert even though one was present with the correct 
OID's. We never came to a resolution though as I most likely got busy.

I was signing the client cert with the CA etc... I even sent my CA and 
cert to tnt and nothing was wrong.

Good luck, and let me know if you have success.


Alan DeKok wrote:
> fabien.crettaz at novelis.com wrote:
>> My server is now accepting the eap authentication, but is sending after
>> this accept an access challenge to the client. It seems that the client
>> "ignores" the access challenge sent by the server !!
>> Any idea ??
>   Have you tried reading the FAQ?
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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