What does 'radius -C' do? (2.1.3)

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Mon Mar 9 22:34:37 CET 2009


>   Err..  try "echo $?" after that.  It doesn't print out log messages to
> stdout unless you also do "-X".

I was about to say the same thing - the man page clearly
states that it fails with a value - this is a shell fail,
not a human readble fail - exit value isnt 0
therefore something is wrong.  many many daemons work
in the same way - 

>  radiusd -C
>  if [ "$?" eq "0" ]; then
>     echo OK
>  else
>     echo FAILED something
>  fi

- and have this sort of wrapper or logic. :-)


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