Freeradius 2.1-1: failure modes

tnt at tnt at
Mon Mar 9 23:41:49 CET 2009

>I am having another issue with "readclients = yes" option
>I can't keep this option set to yes in all 3 files:
>I want to keep NASes in the database and use DB replication to all 3
>databases so all 3 databases have exact same mirrored data.
>The problem happens that it cannot load NAS table from sql2 because of
>duplicates taht it cached from sql1.
>Here is the error I am getting:
>rlm_sql (sql2): Failed to add client x.y.z.w (someclient) to clients list.
>Maybe there's a duplicate?

Why is this "a problem"?

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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