Huntgroups and Network of Clients
HRZ Konten
hrzkonten at
Tue Mar 10 16:37:25 CET 2009
> In 2.1.3 you can use unlang and not need huntgroups at all. Read man
> unlang on freeradius site.
Thank you for answer Ivan. I'm thinking about upgrading of 2.1.3 or
2.1.4 but I'm not really sure how to transform my huntgroups und users
configuration in unlang. I read the documentation but I have big
problems to understand it. Please I need a little bit help on this
Should it be something like that?
if (Ldap-Group == employee && NAS-IP-Address >x.x.x.x && NAS-IP-Address<
y.y.y.y) {
Auth-Type:= Pam} else
if (Ldap-Group == student && NAS-IP-Address >z.z.z.z && NAS-IP-Address<
y.y.y.y) {
Auth-Type:= Pam} else
if (NAS-IP-Address >z.z.z.z && NAS-IP-Address< y.y.y.y) {
Auth-Type:= Pam} else
Auth-Type := Reject
Sorry but I'm not sure
1. whether the NAS-IP-Address ist the right variable to check if a
client is in an Subnetwork
2. where should I put this if-condition: kann I put it in users instead
of Huntgroups? Or should stay in sites-available/default and what
section or in radiusd.conf?
3. I have about more than 100 different Clients, some with IP-Address
some with NetworkMask. It is really simple to put that ones with
IP-Addresses into the huntgroups file with different groups . But when I
implement a condition with unlang for every one of them, wouldn't that
be a killer for the performance when every query checks the script?
Is that possible that I keep my huntgroups for all clients with
IP-Addresses and write a conditions only for network masks? What will be
the configuration then?
DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name==testldap, Ldap-Group == employee, Auth-Type := Pam
Fall-Through = no
DEFAULT if (NAS-IP-Address >z.z.z.z && NAS-IP-Address< y.y.y.y) {
Auth-Type:= Pam} else
Auth-Type := Reject
Reply-Message = "Please call the helpdesk."
Does that make sense?
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
> -
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