Log says "duplicate requests", CPU maxing out

Chhaya, Harshal hchhaya at ti.com
Tue Mar 10 20:02:00 CET 2009

Thanks to Alan, we are now running freeRADIUS 2.1.3 on our
embedded network controller.

The problem is that now it is less stable than the 1.1.7 
version we had been using.

Again, I am sure our config is screwed up.

For example, the 'radius.log' file contains dozens of files
Error: Discarding duplicate request from client test-net
port NNNN - ID: XX due to unfinished request YYY

The client.conf file has this entry:
	secret = testing123
	shortname = test-net

The config uses a flat file with uernames and cleartext passwords.
There is no SQL database in the backend.

Also, when we have 40+ clients attempting to connect to RADIUS, 
the CPU utilization reaches 100% and the processor becomes

The 'maxserver' parameter in radiusd.conf is set to 32 (as it
was for the older version). I am upping it to 64 to see if 
that solves the CPU problem.

Thanks for any insights.

- Harshal

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