Log says "duplicate requests", CPU maxing out

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Wed Mar 11 15:18:20 CET 2009

Chhaya, Harshal wrote:
> No. We had to change our build scripts a bit but haven't touched any
> of the freeRADIUS code.

  Ok... can you say what platform you are running it on?

>> As I said, one of the modules is likely blocking the server.  
>> Can you list the modules you're using?
> Here is the output from from 'radiusd -X' before any of the clients 
> try to connect:
> (The log made it obvious that the "$INCLUDE ${confdir}/modules/" 
> directive in radiusd.conf is pulling in a bunch of modules that we 
> don't need. I guess we need the 'mschap' and the 'inner-eap' module 
> but nothing else. Are there other files in the '${confdir}/modules'
> that we need to include?)


  I'd suspect radutmp and/or radwtmp.  Why are you using those?  Do you
need them?

  Alan DeKok.

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