Dropping requests when no authentication possible

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Sat Mar 14 09:08:01 CET 2009

Chris Phillips wrote:
> Thanks, frustrating this, maybe I'll need to revert to ideas about a
> cron job to do some housekeeping checks...

  One more thought:

authorize {
	redundant {
		redundant {

		group {
			update control {
				Response-Packet-Type = Do-Not-Respond

			handled  # i.e. not "ok"

  The "handled" return code says "stop processing right now..."

> Is there an angle to filter out the Access-Type field in the packet that
> gets sent back? Would a useless packet have the same effect as no packet
> at all?

  What's Access-Type?

  Alan DeKok.

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