EAP/TLS -- FreeRadius -- 802.1x

phil lemelin phil.lemelin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 15:47:53 CET 2009

Good morning FreeRadius users.

I'm going forward with my attempt to configure freeradius and 802.1x to try
to secure part of a wired network.

I have been reading about FreeRadius, 802.1x, EAP/TLS and XSupplicant. I
came accross a link that doesnt work in the freeradius wiki about exactly
those subject but I found something on the linux documentation project (
http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/8021X-HOWTO/ ) which seems to cover this

I was wondering if users here have experience with this subject and have
more documentation on the subject. My main concern being that most documents
on the subject date back to 2004 and I dont know if they are still valid
with the freeradius version i'm using ( 1.1.3 -> CentOS install ).

Thank you in advance.

Philippe-Alexandre Lemelin
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