modules instance name restrictions

Thibault Le Meur Thibault.LeMeur at
Fri Mar 20 12:22:09 CET 2009


I recently came up with a small issue concerning modules instances name 
(especially when they set Auth-Type).

* I defined my own pap module with the name 'pap-myorg' and expected it 
to set Auth-Type to PAP-MYORG, but in fact it wasn't setting the 
Auth-Type at all (moreover I saw no notice in the log about not beeing 
able to set the Auth-Type).
* I changed the instance name to 'papmyorg' and now the module sets the 
Auth-Type to PAPMYORG.

I tried to find in the doc where the restrictions on module instances 
names were defined, but didn't found any reference to this. And given 
the fact that some standard modules have specific chars such as '_' or 
'-', I thought there was little constraints.

Is there any module instance naming convention written somewhere in the 
provided documentation (or online)?
Maybe be it could be interresting to have a warning in the radius debug 
log in order to notice the administrator that Auth-Type wasn't set due 
to module naming restrictions?

Best regards,

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