
Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Mar 24 21:48:20 CET 2009

Emmanuel Rafaralahisoa wrote:
> I wish  to configure 1 proxy radius server and 2 backend radius servers.
> One backend server is the real database for aauth and billing. The other
> one is inside a traffic shapper.  I want to duplicate all accounting
> packets  to this trafic shapper. After reading many times the proxy.conf
> and /sites-availables files, I can not forward all request to the
> traffic shaper until now.
> Does someone has a clear example for this kind of configuration?

  What part of the documentation is unclear?

  i.e. do you have *specific* questions?  Or just "I tried stuff, and it
didn't work" ?

  Alan DeKok.

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