Seqfault with multiple

Wed Mar 25 01:34:06 CET 2009

Hello to Alan and the rest of the list. I wanted to report this to the 
bug tracker but it appears to be down right now so I am sending it to 
the list.

I had a situation where I needed to remove all of the attributes from a 
reply except for Service-Type to one specific client. Unlang seemed to 
be perfect for this. It should be as simple as the following.

if (Client-IP-Address == "") {
    update reply {
        Framed-Protocol == ''
        Framed-IP-Address ==
        Framed-IP-Netmask ==
        Idle-Timeout == 999
        Session-Timeout == 999
        Port-Limit == 999
        Cisco-AVPair == ''
        Service-Type := Authenticate-Only

However, when I try to do this, radiusd segfaults when attempting to run 
this block. I tried several tests and I could sometimes get up to two 
lines with "==" operators in an update block to work. However, adding 
more than two or three would cause a segfault. I was finally able to use 
the following workaround under 2.1.4. This workaround did not work under 

if (Client-IP-Address == "") {
    update reply {
        Framed-Protocol == ''
    update reply {
        Framed-IP-Address ==
    update reply {
        Framed-IP-Netmask ==
    update reply {
        Idle-Timeout == 999
    update reply {
        Session-Timeout == 999
    update reply {
        Port-Limit == 999
    update reply {
        Cisco-AVPair == ''
    update reply {
        Service-Type := Authenticate-Only

My system is CentOS 5.2 32-bit.

Hope this helps.


Jim L.

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