SQL Counters and Realms

liran tal liransgarage at gmail.com
Wed May 6 21:55:52 CEST 2009


In my FR1.1.7 setup, I have different realms for the same machine using
different databases for each.
The login part is ok, as well as the accounting, which has entries in the
radacct table for "account".

I enabled one of the sql counters modules which, as it seems, isn't
returning any results, because I am
suspecting that it's running the query on another realm's database. I have
several of the sql.conf config
files for each realm, so what I'm basically doing is having in accounting {}
section something like this:
   Acct-Type SQL_EXAMPLE {

What do you think is happening?
Here is the relevant debug snippet from freeradius:

Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: calling
accessperiod (rlm_sqlcounter) for request 0
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: rlm_sqlcounter: Entering module authorize
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: sqlcounter_expand:  'SELECT
= '%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}}' ORDER BY AcctStartTime LIMIT 1'
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() -
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStartTime) FROM radacct WHERE UserName = 'access1' ORDER
BY AcctStartTime LIMIT 1'
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: sqlcounter_expand:  '%{sql:SELECT
= 'access1' ORDER BY AcctStartTime LIMIT 1}'
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: radius_xlat: Running registered xlat
function of module sql for string 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() -
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStartTime) FROM radacct WHERE UserName = 'access1' ORDER
BY AcctStartTime LIMIT 1'
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): - sql_xlat
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'access1'
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user
--> 'access1'
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() -
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStartTime) FROM radacct WHERE UserName = 'access1' ORDER
BY AcctStartTime LIMIT 1'
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 2
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): SQL query did not return
any results
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 2
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: radius_xlat:  ''
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: rlm_sqlcounter: (Check item - counter) is
greater than zero
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: rlm_sqlcounter: Authorized user access1,
check_item=300, counter=0
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug: rlm_sqlcounter: Sent Reply-Item for user
access1, Type=Session-Timeout, value=300
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: returned from
accessperiod (rlm_sqlcounter) for request 0
Wed May  6 22:47:28 2009 : Debug:   modcall[authorize]: module
"accessperiod" returns ok for request 0

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