authentication failed because sqlcounter...

Nizar Zulmi siapa_bilang_emailku_panjang at
Sat May 9 09:01:14 CEST 2009

i am using freeradius 1.1.7, not that old rite??? i've tried using := operator and cleartext-password but still doesn't work..this bellow is my radcheck table..
| id | UserName | Attribute          | op | Value  |
|  1 | nizar    | Password           | == | nizar  |
|  2 | nizar1   | Password           | == | nizar1 |
|  6 | tes      | Max-All-Session    | == | 90     |
|  4 | tes      | Password           | == | tes    |
|  7 | denizaro | Cleartext-Password | := | 123456 |
|  8 | denizaro | Max-All-Session    | := | 30     |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

i try to log in with user denizaro first time before i add attribute max-all-session its succesfully logged in, but after i adding max-all-session attribut its failed..
whats happen??

--- On Sat, 5/9/09, Ivan Kalik <tnt at> wrote:

From: Ivan Kalik <tnt at>
Subject: Re: authentication failed because sqlcounter...
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" <freeradius-users at>
Date: Saturday, May 9, 2009, 2:51 AM

> mm confusing..i just enable the sqlcounter in radiusd.conf. i just let it
> as default no change i made in noresetcounter module. then i adding
> noresetcounter in authorize and instantiate section.
> i have defined 1user named tes and password tes has loged in normally
> before i add attribut max-all-session in the table radcheck just like
> this.
> +----+----------+-----------------+----+--------+
> | id | UserName | Attribute       | op | Value  |
> +----+----------+-----------------+----+--------+
> |  1 | nizar    | Password        | == | nizar  |
> |  2 | nizar1   | Password        | == | nizar1 |
> |  6 | tes      | Max-All-Session | == | 90     |
> |  4 | tes      | Password        | == | tes    |
> +----+----------+-----------------+----+--------+
> after i adding the attribut max-all-session the user tes cannot login
> anymore. i do running freeradius in debug mode and the following si the
> result..

:= not ==. And that password attribute Password is deprecated for many
years. How old is your freeradius version?

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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