Log a Vendor-Specific Value

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Fri May 15 15:14:48 CEST 2009

Jeroen Vanderauwera wrote:
> I have some problems with radius. I want to log the Value (an integer)
> in my Vendor-Specific attribute to a mysql database.
> I use %'{Vendor-Specific}' as variable to write it to the database but
> it always writes 0x25ce0000010630390000 to the database instead of the
> Value.

  That is the value of %{Vendor-Specific}

> At the system where you have to authenticate I put the following
> variables into the radiuspacket:
> Vendor-Id = 9678 --> is registered at
> http://beta.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers
> Vendor-Type
> <http://beta.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers%0AVendor-Type> = 1
> Vendor-Length = 6
> Vendor-Value = 12345

   You've created the dictionary file entry for that... but aren't using
the dictionary name you created.


> So this seems to be right. Somewhere it's logic that if you use
> %'{Vendor-Specific}' as variable in the query, that you will store
> 0x25ce0000010630390000.

  Yes, that *IS* the value of Vendor-Specific.

> But how am I able to store 12345 into the
> database? I also tried to use %'{KULeuven-Test}' and just %'{Test}',
> but those variables are just empty...

  Because that isn't the correct format.  Really.

  Why are you using %{Vendor-Specific}, and %'{KULeuven-Test}' ?

  Why the *extra* quotes in your VSA?  Why not just



  Adding the extra quote marks '..'  is breaking it.

  Alan DeKok.

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