Assigning IP address from RADIUS to Cisco PPTP users

up at up at
Tue May 26 17:34:41 CEST 2009


I've used Livingston and Cistron radiusd's in the past with dialup ppp 
users and Cisco/Lucent NASes and have been able to do this with no 

Users are currently authenticating fine and getting assigned IPs from the 
IP pool as defined in the Cisco NAS.  However, I'd like to have a few, 
select users assigned static IPs from outside that pool, but the Cisco 
(2811) is simply ignoring the raddb/users file entry for that user and 
assigning an IP from the pool on the NAS.

Here is my Cisco config::
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local group radius
aaa authentication ppp default group radius local
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa authorization network default if-authenticated
aaa session-id common

vpdn-group 1
   protocol pptp
   virtual-template 1

interface Loopback0
  ip address
  ip nat inside
  ip virtual-reassembly

interface Virtual-Template1
  ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
  ip policy route-map VPN-Client
  peer match aaa-pools
  peer default ip address pool vpnpool
  no keepalive
  ppp encrypt mppe auto
  ppp authentication pap chap ms-chap ms-chap-v2
ip local pool vpnpool
Here is the raddb/users file entry:
testuser        Service-Type == Framed-User
                 Framed-Protocol == PPP,
                 Framed-IP-Address =,
                 Framed-IP-Netmask =,
                 Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

DEFAULT Framed-Protocol == PPP
         Framed-Protocol = PPP,
         Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
The DEFAULT entry allows users in /etc/passwd to authenticate fine, but 
"testuser" still gets an IP from the NAS pool instead of the one above.. 
Any pointers appreciated!

James Smallacombe		      PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
up at	


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