How to enter users in sql?

Guy Fraser guy at
Wed May 27 20:12:06 CEST 2009

On 2009-May-27, at 11:51, Just E. Mail wrote:

> I have successfully setup a freeRADIUS server with PostgreSQL  
> backend (separate) server. When I start freeRADIUS in test mode  
> 'radiusd -X', it connects to the sql server and there is no error. I  
> have two general questions:
> 1. I need to add one or two test UID & PW in the SQL database. Is  
> there a GUI application available to accomplish that or I have to do  
> it manually entering the data?

You could try to use the dialup_admin php interface that is included  
FreeRadius source.

It did not meet our needs so I wrote one for in house use.

> 2. When the freeRADIUS server is live (on-line) how does user  
> authentication data gets added into the database? In MD5, LINUX has  
> an application to add USER Name & Group (created automatically)  
> which both email program (such as Postfix) and freeRADIUS  
> authenticate against. How is it done in PostgreSQL?

FreeRadius uses the standard libcrypt routines.

Here is a snipet of code from the PHP interface I wrote :

function check_password ($test_pass,$old_encrypted) {
   if(crypt($test_pass,$old_encrypted) == $old_encrypted) {
     //echo "Password matches<BR>";
   } else {
     //echo "Passwowd does not match<BR>";

function gen_password ($new_pass) {
   $encrypted = crypt($new_pass);

> I have tried to post this question as clearly as I can. Please ask  
> and clarification!
> Jennifer K.
> -
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Guy Fraser
Network Administrator
The Internet Centre

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