FreeRadius crashed on accounting load tests with 1000 concurrent clients

Alisson alissonfer at
Tue Nov 10 13:02:50 CET 2009

I have the same problem with Freebsd + radius and Mysql 5. server hp core 2
duo, 2 gb ram

we have 1000 connections concurrent... and we have the same error
"discarding packet'

Alan Dekok sayd to me that the problem is the same "slow database"

I'm don't found a solution yet

2009/11/10 Dinh Pham Cong <dinhpc at>

> Hi Alan,
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Alan DeKok <aland at>wrote:
>> Dinh Pham Cong wrote:
>> > start_servers = 1024
>> > max_servers = 3000
>> > max_spare_servers = 3000
>>   That's a little high.
> I saw that when 1000 client was created at the same time and send requests
> to Radius server concurrently there were about 2000+ radiusd threads were
> created too. I thought that 1000 concurrent client could be translated to
> more than 1000 packets/s.
> I have done another load tests with smaller concurrent clients: 100, 200,
> 500. However, Radiusd can not handle more than 1000 request/s (total
> requests/total time used to sent all the requests). For example Radiusd can
> handle 20 000 request in more than 20 seconds, 40 000 requests in more than
> 43 seconds.
> > My sql.conf
>> >
>> > # number of sql connections to make to server
>> > num_sql_socks = 1000
>>   Remember: 1000 packets/s does *not* mean 1000 threads or 1000 SQL
>> sockets.  The server should be able to do 1000 packets/s with a much
>> smaller number of threads && sockets.  i.e. 50/50.
> I thought that num_sql_socks = 1000 meaned that Radiusd would create a
> connection pool of 1000 MySQL connections.
>> > I developed a Java client that can create 1000 concurrent threads that
>> > connect and send accounting requests (start and stop) to Radius server.
>>   See also "radperf" (  It can do
>> load testing and user login simulations.
> Thanks I will try.
>> > However, after sending for 20 or 30 seconds, radius server generated a
>> > lot of error messages and crashed
>> >
>> > Error messages
>> >
>> > Tue Nov 10 16:14:34 2009 : Error: Discarding duplicate request from
>> > client tester1 port 41442 - ID: 134 due to unfinished request 2436
>>   This is likely because your SQL database is too slow.
>>  Have you checked to see if the SQL database can handle 1000 inserts/s?
>> > Crashed
>> >
>> > Nov 10 15:55:35 Mobile6 kernel: radiusd[22242]: segfault at
>> > 00000000000000c8 rip 0000003daee5306b rsp 00002aae5d82a780 error 4
>>   See doc/bugs for instructions on producing useful crash reports.  We
>> can then use these to fix bugs.
>> > Nov 10 15:57:29 Mobile6 kernel: radiusd[30941]: segfault at
>> > 00000000000000c8 rip 0000003daee5306b rsp 00002aaee56de180 error 4
>> > Nov 10 16:14:36 Mobile kernel: radiusd[10788]: segfault at
>> > 00000000000000c8 rip 0000003daee5306b rsp 00002aac913de780 error 4
>> >
>> > What do I need to do to enable FreeRadius server to meet more than 1000
>> > accounting request (INSERT AND DELETE) for a second?
>>   Use a database that can handle 1000 requests/s.
> I have done separate load tests of INSERT and DELETE on radacct table
> (using MEMORY engine) and found that MySQL 5.0 can handle about 6000 - 8700
> qps. I have used mysqlslap to do that.
> Thanks
> Dinh
> -
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Alisson F. Gonçalves
Sistemas de Informação - UFGD
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