FreeRadius crashed on accounting load tests with 1000 concurrent clients

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Nov 10 19:04:22 CET 2009

Dinh Pham Cong wrote:
> Thanks Alan. I am reviewing my system to see if there is any wrong in
> our system settings that can cause FreeRadius crashed under high load.

  Think about that for a second.  Is there really a configuration
setting that says "crash under high load" ?

  I don't think so.

> If I can not find something wrong caused by us, I will fill a bug
> report. So far, nothing is found.

  All of the time you spend investigating things is WASTED.  The ONLY
thing that will help is to follow the instructions in doc/bugs.

  Follow the instructions in doc/bugs, or stop posting messages on this

  Alan DeKok.

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