I need some help with freeradius 2.0.4

Wagner Pereira wpereira at pop-sp.rnp.br
Wed Nov 11 20:42:15 CET 2009

Ok, Ivan. I guess I removed that HTML craps now  : )

Below is my new radgroupreply:

mysql> select * from radgroupreply;
| id | groupname | attribute     | op | value                 | Prio |
|  3 | pop-sp    | Service-Type  | := | NAS-Prompt-User       |      |
|  5 | reject    | reply-message | := | Autenticação recusada | NULL |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)



Wagner Pereira

PoP-SP/RNP - Ponto de Presença da RNP em São Paulo
CCE/USP - Centro de Computação Eletrônica da Universidade de São Paulo
(11) 3091-8902

tnt at kalik.net escreveu:
>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> Enough with that HTML!!!! It produces extraordinary ammount of crap as you
> can see:
>> I did what you recommended (I guess). See below:<br>
> No, you didn't. But getting closer.
>> |  1 | pop-sp    | Framed-Compression | := |
>> Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP  
> Remove *all* Framed attributes.
>> |  3 | pop-sp    |
>> Service-Type       | := |
>> NAS-Prompt           
>> |      | <br>
> That should be NAS-Prompt-User.
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
> -
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