Proxy to multiple servers in FR 2.1.7

Patric patricrt at
Thu Nov 12 15:50:29 CET 2009

Hi again all :)

I am attempting to proxy all accounting packets to 2 servers.
In my proxy.conf I am using a default realm.

realm DEFAULT {
         acct_pool       = my_acct_failover

I create a home_server entry for each server, and add them to the 
home_server_pool for that realm:

home_server copy-acct-to-home-server {

home_server copy-acct-to-home-server2 {

home_server_pool my_acct_failover {
         home_server = copy-acct-to-home-server
         home_server = copy-acct-to-home-server2

If I have site-enable/copy-acct-to-home-server it then appears to work 
in a fail-over method, where it will send to the first server until it 
is not reachable, then it sends to the second server.

Is there a way I can configure this to send to both at once? Do I need a 
second site-enable/copy-acct-to-home-server1 file that reads from a 
different detail file?

I am using the default realm so I dont know how to setup a second 
home_server_pool either...

Any help is much appreciated, Im going in circles :)
Many thanks

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