Creating an NT-Password value with python

jon michaels joniamasad at
Sat Nov 21 18:00:25 CET 2009

On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 6:15 PM, jon michaels <joniamasad at> wrote:
> However, I didn't manage to authenticate either of the two. It seems
> that so far radius likes the value enough to not complain that its
> invalid. Is the format correct, or is there something else i need to
> change in my configuration for the MS-CHAPv2 response to be correct?

Perhaps a good first step is to establish if the hash is indeed of the
correct type, since there are a few hashing functions in ntlm. More
than one type of hash is accepted as NT-Password value by freeradius.

Does anyone know a tool i can use to create the right type of
NT-Password hash expected by radius?



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