solution---Re: Re: help--- IPsec VPN on radius

Alan DeKok aland at
Sun Nov 22 09:17:51 CET 2009

Bjørn Mork wrote:
> BTW, I am wondering if this redefinition should have been moved to
> dictionary.ascend.illegal?:
>  bjorn at canardo:/usr/local/src/git/freeradius$ grep '     Service-Type' share/dictionary.ascend
>  VALUE   Service-Type                    Dialout-Framed-User     5

  I've moved it to dictionary.compat.  That way it doesn't break
existing systems, and it doesn't over-ride the RFC definitions.

> Another one I've been hit by recently is this one (which seems to be
> very deliberate):
>  VALUE   Acct-Status-Type                Alive                   3   # dup
>  VALUE   Acct-Status-Type                Interim-Update          3
> Deliberate or not, this broke a FR 1.0 based perl module doing  
>  "if ($RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Status-Type'} eq 'Alive') {}) {...}"

  The "Interim-Update" is the standard name.  "Alive" is an old, and
unofficial name.

  Alan DeKok.

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