LDAP auth in two sources

tnt at kalik.net tnt at kalik.net
Fri Nov 27 15:57:44 CET 2009

> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 18:21:29 -0000 (UTC)
>  tnt at kalik.net wrote:
>> > As i doesn't have any other auth rather LDAP it is done
>> > automatically. I hope so. ;-)
>> Enable files (and comment out ldap entries) and put:
>> DEFAULT Auth-Type := tam
>> at the top of the users file. That's much cheaper way.
> Hm... I think i don't understand you. What to disable in
> what section? authorize or authentificate?

Remove tam and lotus from authorize section of default virtual server -
you are not authorizing anything just doing authentication. Instead just
put that line at the top of the users file and enable files in authorize.

>> Check base_dn. You say it is different but server debug
>> would disagree.
> But they are.
>         ldap tam {
>                 server = "skoll-vm1.kmz.ts"
>                 basedn = "o=tamknown"
>                 filter = "(uid=%{User-Name})"
>                 authtype = tam
>                 start_tls = no
>                 dictionary_mapping =
> ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap
>                 ldap_connections_number = 5
>                 timeout = 4
>                 timelimit = 3
>                 net_timeout = 1
>                 compare_check_items = no
>                 do_xlat = no
>                 access_attr_used_for_allow = no
>                 set_auth_type = yes
>         }
>         ldap lotus {
>                 server = "ldap.kmz.ts"
>                 basedn = "o=tsas"
>                 filter = "(uid=%{User-Name})"
>                 authtype = lotus
>                 start_tls = no
>                 dictionary_mapping =
> ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap
>                 ldap_connections_number = 5
>                 timeout = 4
>                 timelimit = 3
>                 net_timeout = 1
>                 compare_check_items = no
>                 do_xlat = no
>                 access_attr_used_for_allow = no
>                 set_auth_type = yes
>         }

Post the debug of server startup (part before requests can be processed.

Ivan Kalik

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