Proxying accounting to create a 'tee'

Arran Cudbard-Bell a.cudbard-bell at
Thu Oct 8 01:29:16 CEST 2009

> I settled on something similar to this. The outer server (processing
> requests from the NAS) uses redundant-load-balance to write round-robin
> across several (currently 5) detail files.
> Five detail listeners (one for each detail file) then feed data to their
> final destinations (remote proxies, SQL databases, etc.).
> It turned out a bit neater than having the outer server write a single file
> that's exploded by a dedicated detail listener into several files that, in
> turn, each have a detail listener that actually processes the detail. FWIW,
> it turned out to be impossible to implement that way since detail listeners
> won't write to a detail files, even if the output file is different from the
> input file.
Weird, I wonder what hackery is in the server to stop that... But yes
you're correct you only need the detail writers in the outer server, not
sure why I suggested the chain. Glad it worked out all the same :)


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