over 30 radiusd processes

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Fri Oct 9 22:17:36 CEST 2009

Craig Campbell wrote:
> radius-a seems to be getting the bulk of the radius records.  Normally,
> it has a single process.
> Last night it spawned a bunch of children that seem to be loitering... 

  Are you forking shell scripts via "exec"?

> radius-b and radius-c don't have more than a single radiusd process.
> Any idea what is going on?  Why all the children?  Do I need to be
> concerned?  Is this normal?

  It's not normal.  They're likely zombies that need to go away.  The
server normally cleans up any zombie children, but...

  Alan DeKok.

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