Using another passwd file

Madsen.Jan JMD JMD at
Tue Oct 13 07:53:01 CEST 2009

Hello Freeradius users
I have a challange about using passwd file in freeradius.
I'm running Debian 4.0 Kernel 2.6.18-5-486
I have installed FreeRADIUS Version 1.1.3, for host i486-pc-linux-gnu
I have activated the following in radiusd.conf file
               passwd = /etc/passwd
               shadow = /etc/shadow
This works great :)
But since all my users are registered on a HP-UX server, that are
running in untrusted inviroment, meaning that username and password are
stored in /etc/passwd file 
I'm copying the passwd from the HP-UX server to my Debian 4.0 server.
So now I'm chancing the radiusd.conf file to the following
               passwd = /etc/freeradius/passwd
               #shadow = /etc/shadow
Now I'm NOT able to authenticate on my radius server.
The passwd file from HP-UX looks like this

I even tried to work with the passwd module but without mutch luck.

Can anyone help me here or give me a tip about how to make it work.

Best regards
Jan Madsen

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