Default Proxy and Domain

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Thu Oct 15 10:57:36 CEST 2009


> i have a working setup but following question:
> In my proxy.conf i have one entry with our company nt domain (for wlan auth)
>        realm ZB {
>                 type            = radius
>                 authhost        = LOCAL
>                 accthost        = LOCAL
>                 strip
>         }
> Why does it not work, if i configure the same with "realm DEFAULT", does the DEFAULT realm not match
> all realms, known or unknown  ?

which version of FreeRADIUS and are you using eg the preprocess call in the config?

if you run in full debug mode, you will see the realm being handled....and more importantly
SEE how/why it is being handled.

I moved away from 'DEFAULT' some time back - and instead use unlang to check the realm information
and if the realm is blank or one of my own, i set the proxy-to-realm control stuff and if its not
one of mine, i set the proxy-to-realm stuff accordingly too. that way the policy is defined
and i know how things are going to be dealt with.


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