Help on adding value to mysql

Simone Felici s.felici at
Mon Oct 19 09:17:08 CEST 2009

No ideas to help me a little?
At least to know if what described is possible.



Simone Felici ha scritto in data 16/10/2009 11.26:
> Hello to all,
> I've freeradius installed on a CentOS 4.5: freeradius-1.1.5-0.
> I would like to add a new field to my radacct table to log a new value
> taken from sip/ser accounting. Until here ok, It's sufficient to alter
> the table, add the value into proper dictionary and alter the sql
> inserts to add the value.
> What I would like to do is to modify the value BEFORE insert it into mysql.
> The detail-file logs the following value:
> (...)
> Sip-Translated-Request-ID =
> "sip:<PHONE-NUMBER>@<IP-ADDRESS>:<PORT>;transport=udp"
> (...)
> Also I would like to add to MySQL (radacct) the
> Sip-Translated-Request-ID field, BUT ONLY the <IP-ADDRESS>.
> I should execute a sort of regexp or something that gives me the
> following result, for example:
> Sip-Translated-Request-ID = `echo
> "sip:<PHONE-NUMBER>@<IP-ADDRESS>:<PORT>;transport=udp" | awk -F@ '{
> print $2 }' | awk -F: '{ print $1 }'`
> This would return me only the IP-ADDRESS to add within
> '%{Sip-Translated-Request-ID}'.
> Can someone help me a little bit?
> Thank's
> Simon
> -
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Simone Felici                    E-Mail: s.felici at
Divisione Tecnica                Tel:    0461 030 111
Alpikom S.p.A.                   Fax:    0461 030 112
v.Fersina, 23 - 38123 Trento     URL:

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