AW: Freeradius-Users Digest, Vol 54, Issue 89

INACIO ALVES inacioalves at
Mon Oct 19 17:15:45 CEST 2009

Thanks Ivan Kalik,

Now my server is authenticating the users (Linux and Windows).

The next step is migrate my users to MySQL  or PostgreSQL database. So I need alter the file sites-available/default to include the line sql and remove the lines unix and files. Is this?

I set the 
   Framed-IP-Address :=,
   Framed-IP-Netmask =
to my user, but I don't receive this IP on my machine. I disable the DHCP on my AP and continue not receive this configuration. I need install a DHCP server on my server and close MACxIP to send this configurations to my machine?

No more,

thanks again.

Inácio Alves

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