SQL Huntgroup only work with user check, not group check

Carlos Eduardo Tavares Terra eduardo.terra at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 02:49:20 CEST 2009


I am having trouble while trying to work with huntgroups. Maybe I
misunderstand the way how huntgroups works.

I read another post about this issue, but I don't really understand
why force the huntgroup name in confs.

I have inserted two NAS' into radhuntgroup, as follow:
mysql> select * from radhuntgroup;
| id | groupname | nasipaddress | nasportid |
|  5 | wireless  |  | NULL      |
|  4 | adsl      |  | NULL      |

And associate the user 'jack' in group wireless:
mysql> select * from radusergroup;
| username | groupname | priority | id |
| jack     | wireless  |        1 |  1 |

And created the rules to the user 'jack':
mysql> select * from radcheck;
| id | username | attribute          | op | value    |
|  5 | jack     | Huntgroup-Name     | == | wireless |
|  4 | jack     | Cleartext-Password | := | foo      |

When I use 'Huntgroup-Name' into radcheck, everything works fine. But
when I put the 'Huntgroup-Name' into radgroupcheck, the radius is just
ignoring it.

mysql> select * from radgroupcheck;
| id | groupname | attribute      | op | value    |
|  8 | wireless  | Huntgroup-Name | == | wireless |

It only works in this way? Am I doing something wrong?


Carlos Eduardo Tavares Terra
GNU/Linux #413291 [http://counter.li.org]

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