radius configuration suggestions
Fajar A. Nugraha
fajar at fajar.net
Sun Sep 6 12:08:51 CEST 2009
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 4:09 PM, ramesh p<rock786143 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have configured LNS routers to send packets to Radius servers primary and
> secondary. Both sharing packets and sending to single mysql cluster.
> when one radius server packets are writing/updating other server packets
> are locked and waiting for mysql. This i observed using show full
> processlist. We are using default storage engine MyISAM.
What kind of cluster do you use? Failover cluster (using linux-ha or
redhat cluster perhaps)?
Locking is an inherent problem of MyIsam. If you REALLY use MySQL
Cluster (the product, as in
http://www.mysql.com/products/database/cluster/) you'd be using NDB,
which doesn't suffer from this problem.
> And the writes are
> through network i mean sql in different server instead of radius server.
> Radius process also crashing due mysql db handles not available, no socket
> to handle requests.
> We are logging only accounting packets in to db. And only stop queries sent
> to radius server.
> Please suggest to speed up sql db.
> Mysql server RAM is 8GB and four processor Xeon.
This is generally MySQL issue, but here are some initial tips:
- you can convert the storage engine to Innodb. It's more suitable for
workloads with lots of writes, as it doesn't need full table lock.
- tune your schema. Index would speed up reads, but slow inserts
greatly. Use only the columns you REALLY need.
As for freeradius side, take a look at buffered sql/decoupled
accounting. This might help up to a certain degree, but it's not
perfect. Also it'd require some changes to your query. Search the list
archive for a recent discussion about it.
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