MAC Address Validation for phones

Matthieu Lazaro matthieu.lazaro at
Tue Sep 8 11:42:25 CEST 2009

Ivan Kalik a écrit :
>> I tried to put this in the users file:
> Unlang goes into virtual server configuration, not users file.
>> if     ( "%{User-Name}" =~ "00030BCA[0-9A-F]+" ) {
>           update control {
>                   Cleartext-Password == "%{User-Name}"
>>                 }
> }
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
Thank you very much for the precious help and prompt reply!!! It's
working very well!

Just in case someone needs the info, I have put it in
site-available/default file, at the beginning of the authorise section
after preprocess.
Here is the exact synthax:

if     ( "%{User-Name}" =~ /00030BCA[0-9A-F]+/i ) {
          update control {
                  Cleartext-Password = "%{User-Name}"
        else {

Furthermore, I would like to suggest or edit parts of this page , so that we have a
detailed list of where and how we can use unlang.
For example: "Unlang can be used in the following configuration files:
                            Virtual-servers --> i.e: default --->
authorise, post-auth
                            XXXXX ----> file YYY ---> section m,n"

What do you think?

Best regards,


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