usename + password + MAC address

Hilton Guaraldi guaraldi at
Fri Sep 11 01:07:37 CEST 2009

Please Ivan Kalik,

Give us an example!!! I am configuring freeradius with mysql backend
and MAC Auth fail.
In the radcheck table only, i did:

guaraldi                     Cleartext-Password    :=       mudar123
00-18-E7-41-AD-C2    Auth-Type                  :=       Accept

Need I to rewrite dialup.conf to query username and mac in the
following sintaxe?

authorize_check_query = "SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op \
          FROM ${authcheck_table} \
          WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \
          ORDER BY id"

You wrote in the freeradius list to put MAC as username in the radcheck table...
I would like to know if it is correct?

Best regards.

2009/9/7 Ivan Kalik <tnt at>:
>> On a Radius version 2.x, we would like to tie an user to a MAC address.
>> The auth key would then be the username, password and MAC address
>> (Calling Station ID).
>> Where is the right place to do that?
>> - On the freeRadius? (any hint, please?)
>> - In the PGSQL behind? (using some FUNCTION, I have an idea of that)
> If you are using postgre to store user data - then radcheck table (one
> entry for password and one for Calling-Station-Id).
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
> -
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