Accounting copying to specific systems

Joe Maimon jmaimon at
Thu Sep 24 23:00:20 CEST 2009

Alan DeKok wrote:
> Joe Maimon wrote:
>> It doesnt work with Home-Server-Pool, but it does work with Proxy-To-Realm.
>   Hmm... what does that mean?  If you put the "update" section inside of
> an "if" statement that never matches... it won't work.
>   The Home-Server-Pool code *should* work in 2.1.7.  I can double-check
> it tomorrow.

src/main/acct.c needed a patch to handle PW_HOME_SERVER_POOL similar to 

Seems like it is working, but I am still testing. My patch duplicates 
the LOCAL functionality, but is that purposeless?

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